A blog of fashion, food and family. With a few random musings inbetween.

Monday 27 June 2011

Introducing my girls...

My girls and I

Saturday night is party night yes? Well times have changed for me and majority of my partying now includes my two daughters coming along. We were invited to a friend's 40th and as it was a fellow mum from the school there were 10 of my eldest daughter's friends invited too,  there was no way I could wriggle out of it. You know the type of party... social club, you don't know many people and the ones you do know you end up sat at the furthest point from them. The music was dire, the food was a gluten fest (as all buffets are!) and the children were tired and irritable and only happy when running hells for bells outside on the rugby field whilst wearing their party finest! Great.

 Not to moan too much, it gave me an excuse to wear my new dress which surprisingly The terror (youngest) chose from masses and masses of frocks hanging on the rails in TK Maxx. I couldn't fault her choice after  I'd tried it on, and my eldest daughter agreed. Of course I had the tights or no tights dilemma as we were rushing out of the door (fashionably late by an hour as per usual!), but when else could I match these tights so perfectly? Saved the blisters too ;o)

My girls have started taking an interest in fashion. Correction, The Eldest has just started taking an interest at the age of 8 and 11 months (shes counting down cant you tell?) and its more down to my new blog starting and her 4 year old sister (and 6 months if you're interested!) being a little fashion diva. They both chose their own outfits, and as you can probably see their styles vary dramatically. Anything rock chick, or 'bling' suits The Eldest, whilst The Terror has a full blown tantrum if I dare to suggest a pair of jeans instead of a dress for nursery.... Shes had her eye on this outfit in her wardrobe for the last 6 months. A hand-me-down off her big sister who only ever wore the (most unsuitable and too dressy for normal use) outfit once. Many nursery mornings I've been begged and pleaded "pleeeeease can I put this on? But WHY? Its sooo pretty" and the moment the word "party" slipped out my mouth she did a wardrobe dash and said that she had already chose her outfit!

Of course there's plenty of time to show my girls the natural woman's skills of emptying her entire wardrobe contents all over the bed along with bags and shoes before choosing the very first outfit she tried on. At the moment I'm too busy making the most of having my wardrobe contents to myself as I am well aware the clock is  ticking and I will start finding my favourite outfits in a different wardrobe. Though they had better be careful, being a young mum that could work both ways!

Dress - TK Maxx, Tights - Dorothy Perkins, Shoes - Primark

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