A blog of fashion, food and family. With a few random musings inbetween.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Summer solstice....

As I log online wrapped up in my cosy cardigan, Ugg boots keep my feet snug and warm (and stinky might I add! Im sure someone once told me Ugg boots don't make your feet sweat... maybe it is because they are old and flattened inside now?) I am helpfully reminded by Google's catchy new design informing us it is the Summer Solstice, meaning the first day of summer begins. The television behind me blares out showing druids dancing around a local stone circle awaiting the sun... and waiting ... and waiting...  My own window shows a very different picture than that of summer. Its bleak, wet and down right miserable out there! Though surely we can expect nothing more with The Hoppings (those locals are in the know - or Goolge The Hoppings Curse), Glastonbury and Wimbledon all on at the same time. A sure sign for a wet start to summer.

I try not to look too disappointed as I glance guiltily across to my 3 Ebay parcels which arrived this morning (and 3 more on the way, whooops! That site is dangerous!) full of vintage floral frocks. Ok this can be salvaged, fear not. Thick tights, chunky knits and biker boots are the way to go with my new purchases, now I just have to muster up the curage to throw them on 'effortlessly' as I dash to do the school run. I say 'effortlessly' as I often wonder when people layer on the mixed up outfits, and throw on 'any old jewelry' really have they sat for half an hour and carefully chosen each special piece to bring out the best in their look or have they actually just got a knack for looking fabulous?

My test is my two daughters (aged 4 and 9). If you want encouragement and to be made to feel a million dollars then my eldest is the one for the job! However for an honest (sometimes a little too honest..) opinion then I turn to my youngest.  Gasps of "oooh mammy you look beautiful!" simply because I have a bow in my hair can really make my day, only to be shot down in flames from my terror asking me "mammy, why haven't you got your beautiful make up on?"..... "Don't I look beautiful anyway without it?" I ask hopeful.... "Ewwww no!" is what I'm met with along with a once angelic face now screwed up like a cabbage patch doll. Time to reach for the lipstick......

1 comment:

  1. I am quite sure nobody looks 'effortless' without putting any effort in for sure x


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