A blog of fashion, food and family. With a few random musings inbetween.

Thursday 30 June 2011

Spots and stripes and all things nice...

...That's what wardrobes are made of!

A whole week since the last time, 7 full days since Ive dressed my lower half in denim. Anyone knowing me would agree that is most definitely a record. I think it has helped by letting the washing pile grow higher and higher so that I've also had no choice but to ditch my old faithfuls ;o).

Today I struggled to decide whether to even get dressed out of my pyjamas. The Strike. To be honest besides the word 'Pensions' being thrown around on the news I haven't taken that much notice of it all. That's pretty bad isn't it? Some days like this I just feel like I haven't quite turned into a grown up and if it does not affect me then I don't need to sit in front of BBC news all day and get into a debate about it. Naive? Most likely. I guess the strike will have affected most people in some way, be it childcare, a day off work, not being able to get through to a call centre, being asked to cover someone else's shift, the list goes on and on.

The only way today's strike has affected me is my eldest daughters school being closed for health and safety reasons. In other words half of the teachers were on strike and it was against the law for the other half of the teachers to look after 420 children due to adult child ratio. Of course this threw many parents into panic arranging their childcare and I felt sorry for them having to sort that out at only a few days notice. As I'm a stay at home mum it wasn't so much a problem. My alarm went off at the normal time of 7am ready to start my day. It must have taken less than 10 seconds to decide whether the terror should be sent to nursery for her half day session when her big sister is 'treat' to a day off school. Alarm swiftly turned off and we all had a blissful lie in! Finally crawling out of bed we all lounged around in our pyjamas until.... erm... lunchtime!

As I was getting dressed I suddenly thought to myself "argh, not another dress". Breezy days and dresses do not go hand in hand for me and I'm still awaiting my 'safety shorts' from Ebay! How do all you lovely bloggers wear such flippy dresses on anything other than a still day without showing the world your underwear? Maybe I'm just fated as I lean into the car to buckle the children in, or as my hands are full of carrier bags... Whooosh! Away it goes. So I turned to the only pair of jeans left in my wardrobe and added a top that I've had for years. Plain Jane was what reflected in my mirror. As I fastened the buttons right up on my top (something I never ever do) I suddenly had a different view, geek chic stared back at me. The wind chill outside decided that I needed to cover my arms from my sleeveless top and thrown into a quandary I suddenly realised that I have no suitable knitwear. (remind me to stop buying dresses and buy a knit instead!) So diving into the side of the wardrobe that I rarely use I came across a cardigan older than my top. Hurrah. Stripes though? My top has spots, hmmm. Anyhow I was pleased with the results and yesterdays brogues got their second outing.

Jeans - Next, Top - Next, Cardi - Dorothy Perkins, Shoes - New Look, Hairband - Primark

I'm not one for doing much with my hair but since cropping it short a couple of months ago I am suddenly finding myself doing all sorts of random things with it. When I first had it cut I would spend every morning washing, blow drying, straightening it and making sure it sat perfect. Now with the fabulous trend of hair accessories Im getting my second (dare I say sometimes a third??) day out of my do. At first when I put my hairband in this morning I thought yuck, but once I put my face on and dressed myself I suddenly felt more confident and dared to leave the house.

So how did today's strike affect you?


  1. todays strike didnt affect me thank goodness, as my dad is retired and im home from university for summer.
    i love your hairband!
    cute outfit :)
    Rosie xo

  2. You certainly look fabulous in jeans, there's a real rockabilly vibe going on with your style today, it looks brilliant.
    I didn't notice any difference with the strike. The infants school around the corner was open as normal so the usual manic driving and double parking nightmares. There were a few more children at the car boot but that was that.
    I really hope that the strike gets the result the workers need though, it seems so unfair. x

  3. Thanks for the comment ladies. Vix I know ecatly what you mean about the manic driving (guilty as charged.....) but the double parking or just blatently stopping in the middle of the roads does my head in!

  4. Ooooh I LOVE this outfit on you - my FAVE! You look seriously gorgeous in this!

    Sarah xxx


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