A blog of fashion, food and family. With a few random musings inbetween.

Monday 11 July 2011

A better class of tat...

The plus side of having such a rainy day on our weekend camping trip, was taking the opportunity to hit the local village charity shops. Not a Primark item in sight, which was quite exciting and refreshing for a change. One shop was closing down an hour after we visited so when I picked up a trivia game for back in the tent, 3 retro soup bowls with matching tea plates (4 of them, oh well, a spare if one breaks), an orange glass pitcher, and a small cut glass dish, they insisted it all only came to £3! Well I was not one to argue.

 Across the road was the most bizarre antique shop I have ever seen, books dangerously staggered and  piled right to the ceiling but strangely in order of topic, every piece of antique furniture, glass wear, brass, stuffed animals, in fact anything you could possibly imagine. There were three musty and dust filled rooms filled to the brim with absolutely no order to anything, the corridor had an inviting 'please walk through' sign hanging on the door, and as we battled past cobwebs and flaking walls in the dark dingy corridor we were met with a back storage room full of the less wanted (broken...) items which had been kindly christened by the birds who had found their way into the storage room. As Ive said, bizarre but intriguing! I did manage to pick up a cute yellow glass rippled bottle to add to my  collection for £4. No idea if it is old, or a brand or anything, I simply liked it and it matched our style.

With my other glass items


  1. Not a Primark item in sight, you say? I think you need to share the location of your campsite!
    That junk shop sounds just up my street. I'm a collector of vintage art glass, too. Your collection is beautiful. x

  2. oh wow! this is all so awesome :)

  3. The antique shop was 'Hamish Dunn' in Wooler, Northumberland.
    Thanks for the comments :o)

  4. oooh i love your glass bottle collection! :) xo


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