A blog of fashion, food and family. With a few random musings inbetween.

Sunday 3 July 2011

Easy like Sunday morning!

Glorious sunshine! Wow one of the few Sundays where I've happily forfeited my 11am lie in. Gone are those days now anyway, The Terror is taking swimming lessons on Sunday mornings so its up fast and furious instead. Sunday outfits are mostly grab something quick as we're running late and today was no change, except I had a couple of additional problems. The heat (and activities) called for comfort and shorts but recent weight gain put a spanner in the works and I found only one suitable pair, then after finding that my most recent 100% silk blue vest, a thrifted Topshop bargain matched perfect with the shorts and bow in my hair... the weight gain said no and with a minute to spare I had to make do with old faithful vest!

Vest - Primark, Shorts - Primark, Sandals - Some cheap shoe shop, Bag - Urban Outfitters (thrifted!)

 Today's lesson was fun to listen to, her ever patient instructor was doing his best to stay calm and encouraging whilst being faced with many "NO! I'm NEVER EVER going to do that!" and "NO I don't WANT to". I pretended I was engrossed in my magazine as he battled on through the lesson. Shes normally very cooperative and actually enjoys her lesson, maybe it was the heat, maybe she was having an off day, who knows?

Anyway to get The Terror out of her little tantrum I dried her off and we took a walk along the river bank opposite. It was such a scorcher up in the North East today, though I'm sure if we're feeling the heat the rest of the country must be literally melting! Having spent most of the day laying in the garden, book in hand and wearing a minuscule bikini I don't have much to say about the day except sheer bliss! And excuse the quality of the photos, with no tripod on hand and only an 'over eager budding paparazzi' 4 year old to help out, this is what I got. Not too bad considering!

My budding photographer has some fab artistic choice of angles!

Yesterdays outfit was an amazing lace number that makes me feel like an Angel. Mind you I'm far from being angelic, but one can pretend! Its a recent bargain from TK Maxx and is a delight to wear. Though I'm gutted to find that there is a hole in the back and given the intricate fabric I'm not so sure it can be fixed, but I'm sure its not noticeable....
Dress - TK Maxx, Wedges - New Look, Sunglasses - Primark


  1. Hasn't the weather been wonderful? There's nothing better than donning a miniscule bikini and retreating to the garden with a good book and a long drink.
    I love that crochet dress, it's beautiful on you. What's a small flaw when you look that fabulous? x

  2. Your TK Maxx dress is amazing, really perfect, what an amazing silhouette. And talking about that - weight gain?!!!, you look amazingly fit, I'm probably three times your size and I think I look good, you look more than good don’t sweat it!:)

    Pop Culture&Fashion Magic


  3. Thanks Vix, Im sure a little stitch and it will just look like a teeny flaw I can claim I never noticed lol.
    Thanks Alice, oh don't get me wrong Im not a weight obsessive, Im a coeliac and always struggled to gain weight being a size 6 for years but now my guts healed Im absorbing properly and nearer a size 10, which I look far healthier. Its just happened over 6 months though so all last years summer stuff is no good. fab excuse to go shopping though ;o)


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