A blog of fashion, food and family. With a few random musings inbetween.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

My first table top sale

I've been to hundreds of car boot sales, done Ebay to death and I'm a regular in the local charity stores yet I have never attended a table top or jumble sale. Every time I've drove past the advertising banners something else has clashed with that day, or the weather has been too grim, or in fact I just made excuses and never thought it would be worth giving it a go. So for the first time on Saturday I set my alarm and made it my mission not to laze around the house and to see if there were any bargains to be had.

Silk Blouse - River Island (Table top sale), Jeans - Next, Shoes - New Look, Jewellery - Primark, Silly Grin - My own!

The first stall I came across was a lady my size and her rail was full of Topshop, River Island and Urban Outfitters. I had a field day! Bought 3 100% silk blouses (one of them I'm going to have to tape my boobs to make fit, or sell it on Ebay), a huge Urban Outfitters bag (its amazing the amount of stuff I carry around daily) and a large vase for the mantle piece all for a £12. Not too bad considering at last weeks car boot sale one girl wanted £15 for exactly the same Topshop blouse I picked up at this sale. So all washed and ready for wear today!

Back view of blouse buttons

Another stall were selling jewellery (and trying to sell small worn out teddy bears to my bemused offspring). I found this sterling silver necklace for £1 and hand made earrings too for £1. The reason I bought them, wasn't just their beautiful colour, but simply their weight. Or should I say lack of it. I don't know about everyone else but I cant stand heavy earrings that pull on my ears and I have a fear of developing Grannyish droopy earlobes. Erratic fears or what?!?

Sterling Silver necklace - Table top sale

Hand made earrings - table top sale

I'm a bit flat with words today. This month is full of very high highs and very low lows for me so I'm struggling with a massive yo-yo of emotions. The weather change doesn't help, making me grab jeans and boots again!


  1. That blouse is beautiful, I'm loving the buttons.
    The jewellery is so pretty, too. The pendant is very 1970's in style.
    I don't mind heavy earrings but do remember a lady who used to work in dress shop when I was younger with massively stretched lobes and scared me off getting my ears pierced until I was 25. x

  2. Such amazing finds, I'm always envious of you guys - so many amazing thrifting opportunities, here in Romania there are not as many, as good or as cheap and I always droll over everything you buy dirt cheap form this amazing places. And thank you for pointing the thing with the ears, now I have a new fear, droopy earlobes, I wear huge earrings - some of them are on the heavy side.You look super cute in your outfit!

    Pop Culture&Fashion Magic


  3. Thanks for taking the time to comment on my blog :o)
    I think the ear issue depends on the ear lobes! Some earlobes attach to the side, some dont. I think the ones that don't attach are the more prone to droop lol. Thats a whole new issue though isn't it?

  4. I love this blouse, really cute :)



  5. Great finds, I love a good table top sale. I love that blouse on you.

  6. i wore earrings at the weekend for the first time in ages and my ears bled ;( i always forget to wear them!

  7. your jeans are amazing!
    I really want some high waisted ones.
    jealoussss :D
    Rosie xo

  8. Uhooi,,
    Wow,, This fine jewelry and creative,,,



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